Web Application Testing

Web application testing is a crucial component of your organization's cybersecurity strategy. Just like with penetration testing, our approach to web application testing involves comprehensive assessment and analysis. We meticulously examine your web applications to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by cyber attackers. With our industry-leading tools and methodologies, we provide valuable insights to enhance the security of your web applications and protect your organization's sensitive data from potential breaches.


Know what your business is up against

Web applications serve as critical components of business operations, hosting a vast array of sensitive data amidst the staggering count of over 1.6 billion websites worldwide. Given their significance, web applications represent a substantial cyber risk, necessitating inclusion in your security strategy.

While traditional network security measures play a vital role, they often fall short in defending against the unique attack vectors targeting web applications. Therefore, it's imperative to ensure your web applications are resilient against common forms of cyber attacks.

Web application testing is paramount in uncovering vulnerabilities and fortifying your defenses swiftly. Following best practices, organizations should incorporate regular web application testing alongside routine security assessments to uphold the integrity of their digital assets.

Genosec's web application penetration testing adheres to the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) testing guide, a benchmark in web app security standards. Leveraging techniques akin to real-world threat actors, we uncover exploitable vulnerabilities, ensuring your applications withstand potential cyber threats effectively.

Empowering your defense

From online banking and accounting platforms to payroll systems, CMS, CRM, e-commerce pages, and even social media apps, a myriad of digital assets are potentially at risk. Utilize our professional penetration testing services to meticulously identify and prioritize the most critical flaws in your applications.

Discover, Prevent, and Remediate

Minimize points of failure across technology, people, and processes before a malicious actor does. By emulating malicious adversaries, we provide detailed guidance for remediation of cybersecurity weak points. We help your organization to be better protected and less vulnerable to attacks.

Benefits of web application assessments

If left unaddressed, vulnerabilities in web applications can serve as gateways for cyber threats to infiltrate your organization, compromising sensitive data. Our web ppplication testing services empower you to proactively identify and resolve critical issues before they become exploitable, ensuring vital protection against potential cyber attacks.

Following industry-standard guidelines outlined in the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) testing guide, our assessments meticulously scrutinize your applications for vulnerabilities. Leveraging techniques akin to real-world threat actors, we simulate potential attack scenarios to pinpoint areas of weakness and provide actionable insights for remediation.

With Genosec, you're not alone in securing your web applications. Our seasoned experts offer comprehensive guidance throughout the remediation process, ensuring swift and effective resolution of identified issues, thus bolstering the security of your digital assets.


Uncover exploitable conditions across your entire technology landscape. From Internal, External, to Wireless Network and Web Application, our comprehensive approach ensures no area goes unchecked.


As the risk of cyber-attacks continues to increase, it’s crucial you have complete visibility of your organization’s vulnerabilities. Our testing will identify any vulnerabilities, from low to high risk, so you can take action.


Today’s threat actors commonly targeting web app to achieve access to your corporate assets. Web applications tests are one of the most effective way to improve and maintain their security, Our test truly put your application to the test.


Web application testing services provide you with the data you need to manage and resolve vulnerabilities. Our penetration testers offer expert support so you can remediate as quickly and effectively as possible.

Approach and Methodology

Automated vulnerability scanners, while useful, often miss nuanced security flaws that require a deeper understanding of the application's context to detect. Genosec recognizes the limitations of automated tools and employs experienced assessors who can discern subtler vulnerabilities that may evade automated detection.

Although vulnerability scanners play a role in the initial stages of our assessment process, they are just the tip of the iceberg. Genosec's approach involves delving deeper into the application's context to tailor assessments that align closely with your unique security requirements and user base.

In our web application testing methodology, we differentiate between authenticated and unauthenticated assessments. Our focus here is on the "blackbox" approach, where minimal information is provided to the tester beforehand. This approach allows us to simulate real-world scenarios more accurately and uncover vulnerabilities that might otherwise go undetected.

During the initial phase, our team collaborates with you to define the scope of websites and applications to be assessed, while also advising on the most suitable testing strategy based on your objectives.
Subsequently, in the information-gathering phase, our web application testers employ cutting-edge intelligence gathering techniques to unearth crucial security and technical details about the identified websites and applications within scope.
Drawing upon their offensive security expertise and staying abreast of the latest hacking tools and techniques, our penetration testers meticulously scrutinize the target systems to identify exploitable security vulnerabilities.
Once vulnerabilities are pinpointed, our experts craft and execute a methodical plan to exploit them, ensuring that the process is conducted safely to prevent any potential damage or disruption.
Upon completion of the web application security testing, our penetration testers compile comprehensive documentation of key findings and furnish prioritized remediation guidance, empowering you to effectively address any identified exposures.

Beyond OWASP Coverage

While the OWASP Top 10 provides crucial insights into the most pressing cybersecurity risks for web applications, Genosec's testing goes further. We adhere to the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard, extending our evaluations beyond the standard OWASP parameters.

Our assessments scrutinize various web applications used within your organization, employing a meticulous approach to uncover and exploit critical vulnerabilities. From injection flaws and broken authentications to sensitive data exposure and cross-site scripting, we leave no stone unturned.

But our commitment to security doesn't stop there. In addition to addressing application logic weaknesses, our comprehensive testing encompasses web, mobile, and API security, following an augmented OWASP testing methodology. With a meticulously curated checklist boasting over 300 line items, we surpass industry standards to fortify your digital defenses.