Red Team Assessment

Red Team exercises offer a full-scale simulation of a cyber-attack, providing invaluable insights into your organization's ability to detect, defend against, and withstand threats posed by malicious actors. Our seasoned red teamers employ industry-leading tools and methodologies utilized by real adversaries, meticulously probing your network, applications, credentials, and devices to uncover exploitable vulnerabilities while evading detection.


Know what your business is up against

Your organization's internal and external network infrastructure serves as the backbone of your operations. In today's hyper-connected business landscape, the demand for robust infrastructure has never been more critical. With cyber criminals advancing in sophistication, it's imperative to fortify your cyber security measures to safeguard your networks against risks, data compromises, and vulnerabilities.

Red team exercises offer a proactive approach to assessing your defenses against real-world attack scenarios and sophisticated threats. By simulating realistic attack pathways, these exercises provide invaluable insights into your incident detection and response capabilities, allowing you to identify gaps in technical control coverage and training needs.

Through meticulous analysis, a red team exercise reveals areas where additional investments in controls, personnel, or processes may be necessary to mitigate risks effectively. Furthermore, it emphasizes the potential business impact of exposures in your systems, networks, and processes.

A well-executed red team exercise not only enhances the capabilities of your internal detection and response teams but also helps you strategically allocate resources in information security. Additionally, it serves as a testament to your organization's resilience against realistic cyber threats.

At Genosec, our red team exercises go beyond simulation – they replicate actual attacks against your network, providing real-time insights into the performance of your people and security protocols under pressure. Partner with us to elevate your organization's cyber defense strategy and protect your valuable data with confidence.

Empowering your defense

In today's dynamic cyber landscape, understanding and countering evolving attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)is paramount for organizations. The complexity of modern cyber threats poses significant challenges, demanding proactive measures to detect, stop, and prevent breaches.

Discover, Prevent, and Remediate

Minimize points of failure across technology, people, and processes before a malicious actor does. By emulating malicious adversaries, we provide detailed guidance for remediation of cybersecurity weak points. We help your organization to be better protected and less vulnerable to attacks.

Benefits of red teaming assessments

Genosec's red team exercises are meticulously crafted to provide your organization with invaluable insights into the impact of targeted and realistic cyber-attacks. By simulating sophisticated threat scenarios, we aim to reduce uncertainty and enhance your understanding of how your mitigations and active defenses perform in the face of adversity.

This engagement serves as a powerful training opportunity for your defensive capabilities, allowing your organization to prepare for real-world advanced and persistent threats. Through comprehensive analysis, we help identify weaknesses in your controls and capabilities, including physical controls, staff awareness, incident responses, processes, and procedures.

Moreover, our red team exercises are designed to have minimal impact on your daily operations, ensuring seamless integration into your business activities. With Genosec's expertise safeguarding your business now and for the future, you can rest assured knowing that your organization is well-prepared to defend against evolving cyber threats.


Learn how prepared your organization is to respond to a targeted attack designed to test the effectiveness of people and technology.


By mirroring the latest adversarial tactics, red teaming can help identify hidden vulnerabilities that attackers might seek to exploit.


By simulating a range of scenarios, red team testing helps your security team to identify and address gaps in threat coverage and visibility.


Receive important post-operation support to address any vulnerabilities identified and mitigate the risk of suffering real-life attacks.

Approach and Methodology

The process begins by understanding your objectives. Whether the goals involve testing tools and visibility, evaluate security response capabilities, strengthen controls around specific assets, fortify defenses against specific attackers, or a combination thereof, Genosec's red team utilizes these requirements to tailor an exercise that precisely aligns with your organization's needs.

Genosec's red team exercises utilizes the MITRE ATT&CK framework as the basis of its methodology. The ATT&CK framework offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach that mirrors the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed by advanced persistent threat (APT) groups during cyber attacks.

At Genosec, our red team Operations begin with a collaborative assessment to determine the level of knowledge the red team should possess regarding your environment. Drawing from our extensive industry experience, we identify objectives that represent primary risks to your core business functions.
Once objectives are established, the red team initiates the process by conducting meticulous initial reconnaissance. Leveraging a blend of proprietary intelligence repositories and open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools and techniques, we thoroughly assess the target environment.
Our red teamers then endeavor to gain initial access to the target environment, utilizing a combination of vulnerability exploitation and social engineering tactics. Employing techniques employed by real-world attackers, we aim to secure privileged access to critical systems.
Upon gaining access, the red team focuses on escalating privileges to establish and maintain persistence within the environment. This involves deploying a command and control infrastructure, mirroring the actions of a real attacker.
With persistence and command and control systems in place, the red team works diligently to achieve its objectives through nondisruptive means. Our goal is to simulate realistic attack scenarios and provide actionable insights to fortify your organization's defenses.